Sustainability | ISA
Sustainability | ISA

Sustainability, why?

Being sustainable is a choice

Being sustainable is a choice you make every day

Everyone says it. Some actually do it. We are among them and not since yesterday but for over 30 years, starting from the Montreal Protocol, which established the unusability of substances harmful to the environment and the atmosphere and then the Kyoto agreements, one of the most important international legal instruments aimed at combating climate change. And since then ISA has begun the transformation for development in the name of respect for the environment.

Sustainability | ISA

"We have been forerunners in understanding the importance of caring about environmental issues and reducing energy consumption."

Carlo Giulietti - Presidente ISA S.p.A.

“There was no obligation in the 1990s, but our sensitivity to sustainability issues often led us to anticipate the reference regulatory framework. Thus we were pioneers in understanding the importance of caring about environmental issues and reducing energy consumption. Ecology Project takes shape, an eco-friendly environmental sustainability program which involved the creation of products with efficient and balanced thermodynamics combined with modern and innovative design”.


Let's introduce us: who is ISA

We believe in responsibility experienced first hand. We have always anticipated the future. And the numbers proved us right.

We are an all-Italian company, with roots firmly planted in Umbria. We turned sixty in 2023.

We started almost from nothing: our first headquarters was 65 square meters. Today over 700 women and men work with us. Our headquarters takes shape on an area of 280,000 square meters which includes production plants, logistics, offices, exhibition showroom and company museum. With our five brands, ISA, COF, Tasselli, Hizone and Abaco, we produce and distribute refrigerated solutions and furnishings for bars, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, restaurants, delicatessens, food laboratories, supermarkets and large-scale retail trade in 120 countries around the world. The turnover is approximately 130 million (2022 data).

Sustainability | ISA

“We have an inclusive vision of sustainability that includes economic, social and environmental aspects. For this reason we work with great attention to the growth of people also through an internal Academy which is responsible for offering collaborators training in terms of transversal skills. We are convinced that companies grow only if people grow together with them”

Marco Giulietti - ISA S.p.A. Vice-President

What we do for sustainability

 | ISA

Let's start with fluorinated gases

Those used in refrigeration machines. Which we know well and which are under accusation.

Global warming is before our eyes. The greenhouse effect threatens life on the planet. It’s not catastrophism, it’s daily news.
It is necessary to reduce the emission of the substances responsible for this deleterious effect as soon as possible. Among these there are also many fluorinated gases (F Gas), widely used in commercial and industrial refrigeration, which have a negative impact on the atmosphere. Their danger is expressed by a particular parameter, the GWP - Global Warming Potential - which expresses the ability of each of these gases to heat the atmosphere. European directives have banned the most polluting ones, which will be totally banned by 2030. The products that use them are destined for rapid obsolescence.

For over 15 years ISA has been using natural refrigerants

(in particular R290 - propane - and R744 - Co2), which represent an ecological alternative to fluorinated refrigerants. They have an insignificant impact on the greenhouse effect, are neither toxic nor flammable and have an extremely low GWP.

For over 15 years ISA has been using natural refrigerants that represent an ecological alternative to fluorinated refrigerants.

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All the energy we use must be sustainable

We are working to reach the Net Zero goal in 2030.

What does it mean? It means that the greenhouse gas emissions produced by our activity are gradually reduced to a minimum and, where it is not possible to reduce them, they are compensated through other activities, so as to eliminate our impact on the greenhouse effect.

The journey is long, but we have already started:

We improve the energy performance of our products and the impact of their life cycle every day.

Our photovoltaic system covers 35% of electricity needs. 40% of the electricity purchased comes from renewable sources.

Our production is carried out with efficient systems in a production environment that uses modulated LED lighting and underfloor heating.

And to make this goal even more concrete, ISA quantifies and monitors its emissions in terms of Scope 1 - 2 - 3 according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol calculation methodology. They express the global reference framework for the measurement and management of gas emissions at greenhouse effect resulting from industrial activity.

40% of the electricity purchased comes from renewable sources.

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Design and innovation for the challenge of sustainability

Giugiaro, Citterio, Silvestrini, Gae Aulenti.

These are some of the international Italian design brands that have collaborated with us at ISA to innovate and create products that have set new trends in the market.

But the design of ISA products has also contributed to the
challenge of sustainability:

increasing the recycling index (which measures the ease of recycling and reuse) from 80/85% to 90/95%

increasing the durability of products thanks to the service project, such as the extension of the warranty or the possibility of updating the machines

Innovation also plays an important role in developing connected and increasingly digital products to increase their efficiency and reduce maintenance needs.

Power Unit, a casing in which all the technical parts are concentrated and can be easily installed and removed from the refrigerated counter.
This allows you to update and reuse the technical parts without having to change the entire furniture.

ISA Connect, a technology applied to the vast range of ISA products and solutions that allows for remote monitoring, 24/7 all year round, of the main functions.

45% recycled materials

90/95% recycling index

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Around us we want a positive, supportive, motivated community

We work to create a close and strong network of positive, supportive and motivated people around us: starting from our employees to supply chain partners, up to the most distant customer.

A utopia? Perhaps. But, as Adriano Olivetti wrote, “often the term utopia is the most convenient way to dismiss what one has no desire, ability or courage to do. A dream seems like a dream until you start working on it. And then it can become something infinitely greater.”

We express this desire day by day with our products, but above all with our ideas and our choices. This makes the difference.

Sustainability | ISA

So are you with us?

Help us create an engaged community every day to make the world a better place