Sigep 2020, ISA conquers Rimini

The sweetest fair of the year ended in the best way possible. The 41st Sigep’s edition – International Exhibition Gelato, Pastry, Artisan bakery and Coffee – the most important professional meeting in the world, dedicated to artisan “gelato” and to the art of desserts, took place in Rimini Fair, from 18th to 22nd January .
ISA, the Umbrian company that operates worldwide as the excellence of professional refrigeration and furnishing of public locals, attended the 2020 edition with a 400 square meters, divided in two spaces. ISA presented technologically advanced solutions for the exhibition of gelato, pastry, chocolate and much more, with furniture collections of illustrious names in international design and architecture.

Pentagram Bar Counter

Pentagram Flat, pastry-chocolate display case.

Pentagram Display, gelato display cabinet.
Two prestigious names that enjoy worldwide fame choosed ISA S.p.A. technology and competence to create modern and visionary furniture collections, previously presented for the first time at Host Milano, the last October.
Rock and Rock is the elegant and intelligent collection of the famous French designer, Philippe Starck, which offers an infinite diversity of architectures, colours and materials of display as well as a service with an absolute unified, timeless and harmonious congruency.
Pentagram is the minimalist and rigorous collection signed Antonio Citterio, one of the most iconic Ialian design masters, twice winner of the “Compasso d’oro”. Antonio Citterio and ISA created an exclusive and refined collection.

Rock and Rock Collection, The Market.

Rock and Rock gelato display cabinet.
Perfectly integrated with the Pentagram by Antonio Citterio furniture, was presented the Hizone laboratory. Hizone is the Umbrian company brand dedicated to the furnishing of high-end professional laboratories of the: gelato shops, pastry shops, restaurants and delicatessens. Hizone was presented in absolute preview during the Sigep last edition and revived this year with other important novelties.

Hizone professional kitchen.
Was also presented one of the new modular furniture proposals, which match design and practicality, aimed at approaching different market segments. We’re talking about the modern and bold, Tribeca District, which together with Ginza District, have a design inspired to some of the most characteristics neighborhoods in the worldwide.

Tribeca District collection, with new Metro Combi e Metro ST dispaly cases.
Numerosi sono in i prodotti con i quali ISA si approccia al 2020, alcuni nuovi e altri rinnovati: come la nuova vetrina Metro ST (servita e self) e Metro Combi, la nuova linea Lab (abbattitori, armadi e tavoli professionali da laboratorio). Non mancheranno anche dei must già noti e affermati come le vetrine verticali Cristal Tower disponibile in nuove misure, e le vetrine gelato-pasticceria professionali Oneshow, Millennium LX e ST, Stratos e Supercapri.
There are numerous products with which ISA approach the 2020, some new and others renewed: like the new Metro ST (served and self service) and Metro Combi, the new Lab line (blast chillers, cabinets and professional laboratory tables). There will also be some well-known and established must-haves like the vertical showcases Cristal Tower available in new sizes, and professional gelato-pastry showcases Oneshow, Millennium LX/ST, Stratos and Supercapri.

Oneshow dispaly cabinet and Hizone Lab.

Millennium LX e ST dispaly cabinets.

Stratos, pastry and gelato display cabinet.

Supercapri, pastry and gelato display cabinet.
Many innovations also in the sector of promotional showcases were presented at the COF stand, ISA brand participated to the Sigep with a completely renewed graphic design, like the vertical showcases Poker Glass.

Stand COF.
La fiera Sigep è stata un successo! Grazie a tutti!!! Al team ISA che ha permesso di rendere questa edizione unica e a chi è venuto visitare il nostro stand, siete stati tanti.
Sigep fair was a success! Thank you everyone!!!
To the ISA team that allowed to make this edition unique and to those who came to visit our stand, you were many, thank you!