Galaxy HE

Galaxy is ISA's plug-in multideck, which stands out for its large and attractive display surface area, as well as for its wide range of models. Available in two different heights and four lengths, Galaxy is multiplexable and it can be open-front or closed by three different door systems. Galaxy fits with elegance in all sales areas, from proximity stores to hypermarkets.

Galaxy HE
Class A
ISA's ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability led Galaxy to the remarkable achievement of energy class A.
Consumption has been knocked down by 53% while noise output level has been cut by 7dB(A). Maintenance Free exchangers, electronic fans, variable speed compressors were introduced; the state of the art in technological innovation.
Powerful and sustainable

High quality cooling technology
Natural refrigerant R290 (hydrocarbon) protects the environment by reducing maintenance intervals; electronically controlled fans and expansion valves reduce the energy consumption and help ensure a constant product temperature. Cyclopentane used as expansion agent of the insulating material also provides 30% higher insulation value compared with traditional insulation.
Energy saving
Il refrigerante naturale R290 (idrocarburo) protegge l'ambiente riducendo gli intervalli di manutenzione; i ventilatori controllati elettronicamente e le valvole di espansione riducono il consumo di energia e ottimizzano le prestazioni di mantenimento della temperatura costante del prodotto esposto. Il ciclopentano usato come espandente del materiale isolante fornisce inoltre un valore di isolamento superiore del 30% rispetto all'isolamento tradizionale.
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Caratteristiche tecniche
Galaxy HE
- Plug-in
- Remote (optional)
- -1/+1 °C
- R600a
- Ventilated
Climate class
- 3M1
- Hermetic
- Off cycle
- LED lighting on canopy
- Undershelf LED lightning optional
Side panels
- Panoramic with safety glass
- Mirrored
- Blind
- Stainless steel AISI 304
- 5 (lighting optional)
- Single glass doors
Equipment handling
- Heigh adjustable feet
- Equipment handling