ISA was born in Umbria, in the heart of Italy
which creates fashion, design and style.
Since 1963 ISA produces in its region and, from there, it provides refrigerated showcases and furniture for public places worldwide. ISA works in the market through three brands: ISA, COF, TASSELLI and HIZONE with a sales volume beyond 120 million of euro by exporting, in 107 countries, quality products with a high rate of technology and innovation, also in terms of sustainability by using natural refrigerants.
ISA nowadays is one of the most important players of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of ISA’s equipment, the company has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Ahold, Auchan, Autogrill, Billa, Bindi, Coldstone Creamery, Coca Cola, Conad, Coop, Cremonini, Brioche Doree, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sammontana, Sturbucks and Unilever.
To tackle the new global challenges, May 16th 2017 ISA launched a large project to build a single headquarters a few kilometres from its historical premises, where innovative methods for production and logistics are going to be applied, and even more space devoted to research and development.
The new factory was designed and built with respect for environmental sustainability and the safety and livability of the working environment. Within the new management area, an important space of 2,500 sqm has been dedicated to the Showroom, intended to welcome customers from more than 107 countries around the world.